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bakingbook 2010. 3. 30. 22:36

UDT Cheonan naval special forces search for missing persons who died during the operation (53) do not warrant sympathy of the noble sacrifice.

Paying for another war in the sea diving equipment and harsh environment of agents can inhibit not mind terrible. What is the overall mean tragedy. Pain in the chest.

What are they fighting decompression sickness. 
Experts say high pressure breathing in the sea, you see a good fall anneunde vitro nitrogen, coming out of the sea in this situation, if the body could cause serious crowd advice. 
maritime police official said, "deep sea ​​flux increases pressure in the body through the lungs into the nitrogen in the blood in vitro not melt as well as get out "and" come out after work to finish up, the surface of the water body, making the nitrogen bubbles to the body which causes severe pain indecompression sickness called, "he said.

A Coast Guard official said, "deep sea diver in the air to drink through the reservoir, the reservoir is not a component of air and 100% oxygen dwae be composed of similar elements, usually oxygen and nitrogen at a rate of about 8 to mix 2 which, at this time in the same way as the components of the air, the use of nitrogen, when you get to the water increases the pressure of nitrogen gas around again not escape out of the body dissolved in the blood "and" so that the blood can accumulate nitrogen gas diver go up above water at high speed, the pressure is lowered drastically reduced solubility of nitrogen bubbles in the blood, and this is made to the cause of decompression sickness, "he said.

Following the official "blood in it suddenly made a lot of bubbles in the body that cause pain and death may, if serious," said "in order to prevent it in the water when the surface of the water to rise slowly olrawaya," he advised said.


The fifth day of Subtropical sinking chogyeham

Diving missing deadline passed and despite the death of personnel, agents slightest hope in your life dedicated to the search and dive itgeonman, not even looking for 46 people dead. Then off in the midst of the ruling party and the opposition party liability busy workshop, divided into left and right line between the newspaper media workshop being political.

What a tragedy befall all people collectively called Squid and doors ttwideut Who are the crowd jumping! Tongjera ehyo.

North clash only when it was fought by the Navy. Hundreds trapped in the logic of political carrying naval cannon fodder to be had in the Navy chogyeham, said officers were fired in front of miserable fighting dying limbs. Did any of the rewards of their sacrifice. Empty by the death of political logic that is toppling their honor was tarnished. Immigrant families are hurt and went big. Who would dedicate their lives for the country. Then again, that our military should not be fought with political logic.

For example, but nothing since has kept the traditional partisan work marvelously in the kiln to strugglelike that ... Taurine properties in confronting foreigners carrying Molotov Press photo looked up and said, 'You guys are always fighting with each other itdeora the dick. Koreans think with the properties of the struggle 'the story just heard you were away, it really is more.

ㅜ ㅜ recognized

We're not fighting all day long in the mouth geodeun thorns sprouting. (Unread book's not visible grasses) do that, the words from the mouth drawn Sr. abou the sharp thorns. Lf you're sticking with the visible wound to give.

Damage caused by excessive consciousness geotinde, of course, your opponent's injured and bleeding geotjjeum eye surgeon is surprised but not care. Sometimes death is inevitable sacrifice comes to the struggle would have been thrilled. Yes people rose as beautiful as far as I'm concerned. Such men are inside the overall crisis of beggars. 
enemy not create even one person was bored one day make the enemy look to blame. (Not a criticism of the bottom-line float Jooeun personal attacks or binge anboil coined'd mistaken naburang or even head to tteodeulmyeon)

However, should pretense to drop Amritsar patriot pungjeon equalization charges while it was invading the land is kept rumpen disguised as politicians nor intellectuals who were neither innocent grassroots.He fled abroad, without liability to discard or delete the bustling end of the earth if I have enough of them, or is everybody picking on people like you. Just as one small haejugo, commoners only and are satisfied with a small salary. Foolish (?) According to deceive the common people who have political positions ppunyiji. Their purpose is to pursue the interests of their day just political in any partisan of deundeul only and that's it ... just do not know flings is whether grassroots. If I can not have a human mind is pre 's.


Anyway, in the fierce battle ileonaneunde 50M deep sea, the sea outside, but the laborers are used to vaporize this as hordes who are suffering from the Korean peninsula. If you are inside the cluttered things that just appear. Surrounding neighbors,. When the spirit of the colonial period to 6.25 when we pack up our land, these are the Maritime break even when there is liver eating serpent devoured the fence, go so far as to release the pretentious.

Finish the unexplained sinking into the Navy chogyeham and North Korea to the United States Navy or the studio responsible for the mess the government break the three other Japanese elementary school textbooks swipe ' Dokdo is Japanese territory " was labeled as.

Dokdo is now Japan's elementary education they'll take it, I do. They want to be adults by the time we'll certainly become Japan That should be a round.

But it woojjae. Now called on the army to defend the country young people are dying in front is not givin save helpless. This helplessness and sorrow .... ask them why not ...... halkko

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