
My Scared Experience 본문


My Scared Experience

bakingbook 2015. 3. 4. 20:23

My Scared  Experience 

               This might be story about  the first and final adventure of my life.  When I get older, I became scared of heights. So, I couldn’t ride the rides, such as Roller coaster and even  the Ferris Wheel rise high at an amusement park. It was  time of a beautiful autumn about 5 years ago in South Korea.  I wanted to overcome my phobia of heights. So, I determined to go rock climbing  with my friend who was professional climber . The Natural rock face that we should climb up is famous for beautiful scenery , but sometimes, people falling to death in South Korea. It’s named hidden wall because it is  big slope covered by two peaks. All the heights are about 600 feet. When we arrived at bottom of hidden wall , there were many people and look up the big slope. And  provided against  accidents, a security guard was there at weekend. I wore the equipment, such as harness and helmet , and hang up the rope. There are 4 sections to climbing up the rock face. At the first section, I crept  using bare hands and feet slowly with nervousness . As soon as I finished the first section,  people in bottom  clapped their their hands for me to encourage!. 

             There were several crisis. The most crisis came at the third section. When I faced the third section, the slope was very narrow and both side we cliffs. As I looked down the bottom, it looked deep. There were full of trees with autumnal tints in the bottom of cliff, but I couldn’t see anything . My legs seemed to  be frozen because of height fright . I trembled with fear and felt like  falling down.  I was too panicked to do anything until my  friend cried  “ move! move!” . But I couldn’t move and stopped in front of the face for a while .  By the way, other person followed behind me.  All we were at the same road, so we became very dangerous because my delay. I had to overcome my fear with encouragement. At last, I kept climbing up again and barley got out of crisis.  It was not only my best sacred experience, but also the wonderful extreme challenge that I tried  in my life. By the way, in spite of the adventure, I can't  ride the roller coaster yet . What a ironic thing!

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