
Gyeongbokgung 본문



bakingbook 2015. 4. 1. 19:20

My Favorite place

        My favorite  place is Korean palaces such as Gyeongbokgung. Because When I take a walk there, I can enjoy the old fashioned buildings, gardens, ponds and Pavillion.  Gyeongbok means that 'The new dynasty will be greatly blessed and prosperous,' and 'gung' means 'palace' in Korean. Actually, most of the buildings in Seoul city are modern, but the Gyeongbokgung is an exception. The traditional houses were almost destroyed during the Korean war and gradually disappeared with appearance of western modern house. In Gyeongbokgung, I can see many places where tradition is alive and feel how beautiful the Korean traditional architectures are. I especially  like dancheong, traditional multicolored paintwork on wooden palace.  It means traditional symbols from Budaism. So, I used to take pictures of dancheong. Also, I can learn the history  about Chosun Dynasty and life of ancestor, Because Gyeongbokgung was the main and largest palace of the Chosun Dynasty. Furthermore, It’s easy for me to go by subway    Because It’s located in the middle of northern Seoul city, Also  it’s not far from many other Palaces and close to the  U.S embassy  and Japan embassy.
           Most of all, I love garden of Gyeongbokgung, because I feel relaxed  and enjoyed nature such as tree, flower, fresh  air and outside breeze. I especially love  natural style of Korean garden. Seventy percent of  Korean territory is covered with beautiful mountains. Therefore,our ancestors tried to  preserve nature when they made garden. For example, When there is a trees and waterway at place of garden, they  left threes in its natural state and made  in harmony with a waterway. Gyeongbokgung have beautiful two gardens. One is Gyeonghoeru, the other one is Hyangwonjeong. I like smaller Hyangwonjeong. It  was garden which Gojong ,the last king of Chosun Dynasty presented to his  wife. It means that good scent reach so far. Hyangwonjeong contain rectangular, artificial pond and round small island in the middle of pond and a long wooden bridge crossed to the island. There is a two story gazebo in the middle of island. The first floor is outdoor room with Korean heating system ,and people can sit there and relaxing  with having drinks in winter. The second floor is made of wooden and has no walls except for pillar. It is opened all around. So, I crossed over the bridge to gazebo and used to looking out beautiful scenery of garden. While I see the water of ponds and reflection of mountain and trees, I get relaxed and feel like to be at ancient place and time.The Hexagonal roof is decorated with phoenix paintwork, symbol of protection from Taoism. The island  in the middle of pond means utopia. But the queen tragically died young at the hand of Japanese assassin. Gyeongbokgung change various seasonally , because It is surrounded by beautiful mountains. Many lotus flowers are in boom on a pond. And There are colourlful fallen leaves in autumn and cover with snows in winter. When I am there, I feel change of nature, history and our life. 

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