Tuesday with morrie 본문
Book Report

Title: Tuesday with morrie Author: Mitch Albom
Setting: The last class of author's old professor's life took place once a week in his house, where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed it's pink leaves.
Characters and Character Description
Morrie : Proffessor who knows he was dying of ALS. He was going to suffocate despite his circumstance.
Charotte:Morrie's wife
Mitch Albom: Writer and Student of Morrie. He thought life is like a wrestling match. He buried himself
in accomplishments,but he changed since he took a lesson of Morrie.
This is real story about Morrie and writer. The writer was student. Morrie was teacher.
They met in Morrie's study every theusday.The author was only student at the class
of his old proffessor's life. The Despite of dying, Morrie taught to love and
to care to learn. Aithough they was unware of it, their last Class had just begun.
Climax and Resolution
At last, The fourteenth tuesday they had to say good-bye.
Morrie became weak. When the author visited his teacher Morrie, he didn't know
how to say good- bye to Morrie. The last word of Morrie was only love.
Your reaction to the book or reader
I was astonished by Morrie's compelet lack of self-pity. Morris could no longer dance, swim, bath,
or walk. He couldn't dry himself after shower or even roll over tubed.
How could he be so accepting. There was a time when i had pessimistic view, but i thought
i wouldn't wallow in self-pity. I was impressed by Morrie's aphorism. I specially was so taken with this aphorism of Morrie.
The author thought life was like a wrestling match and asked Morrie "Which side wins?"
Morrie said "Love wins, Love always wins."Also,"the most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in. There is no substitute for it. Eventhough there is a painful price to pay.(......)
I learned true meaning of love by Morrie.
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