목록분류 전체보기 (882)
My Scared Experience This might be story about the first and final adventure of my life. When I get older, I became scared of heights. So, I couldn’t ride the rides, such as Roller coaster and even the Ferris Wheel rise high at an amusement park. It was time of a beautiful autumn about 5 years ago in South Korea. I wanted to overcome my phobia of heights. So, I determined to go rock climbing wit..
A Person Important to Me When I think a important person of my life, I rememberd my father. I was born in seoul, Korea. I have four family. I am the youngest daughter. My parents were enamored of their youngest daughter. My father especially affected all aspects of my life . My father was not tall and hansom but he had strong spirit, body and patriotism. I would like to tell a anecdote about him..