목록분류 전체보기 (873)
Altitude Sickness What is altitude sickness? Altitude sickness occurs when you cannot get enough oxygen from the air at high altitudes. This causes symptoms such as a headache and not feeling like eating. It happens most often when people who are not used to high altitudes go quickly from lower altitudes to 8000ft or higher. For example, you may get a headache when you drive over a high mountain..
2010/01/07 18:49 I used to rule the world 난 한때 세상을 지배했었지 Seas would rise when I gave the word 내 한마디에 바다가 들썩이곤 했었지 Now in the morning I sweep alone 하지만 이제 난 아침에 홀로 거리를 청소하고는 해 Sweep the streets I used to own 한때 내것이었던 거리를 청소하는거지 I used to roll the dice 난 한때 주사위를 굴리곤 했지 Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes 내 적들의 눈속에 비친 공포를 느끼면서 Listen as the crowd would sing: 군중의 노래를 잘 들어봐: "Now the old king is dead! L..
I'll be there- Mariah Carey ll be there -Mariah Carey You and I must make a pact We must bring salvation back Where there is love I'll be there (I'll be there) I'll reach out my hand to you I'll have faith in all you do just call my name and I'll be there (you know) I'll be there to comfort you Build my world of dreams around you I'm so glad that I found you I'll be there with a love so strong I..
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