
rehabilitation 본문



bakingbook 2009. 12. 4. 15:41
Since my Lt.Shoulder didn't comfort. This loss affected my activities.
I am oppressed with tedium.
I went to see an orthopedic surgeon., I had Shoulder Axiallary Lateral, Left and, MRI Lt.Shoulder taken.
The orthopedic surgeon told me that I sought help from rehabilitation of Shoulder.
This is the result of MRI.
1. Subacromial spur is present producing slight indentation on the left supraspinatus muscle
2. Diffuse thickened and indistinct morphology of the left axillary pouch of the IGL is noted.
3. No abnormal signal change is noted in rorator cuff musculotendinous area.
4. No abnormal signal change is noted in bony structure.
5. No abnormal signal change in long biceps tendon is noted.
6. No abnormal fluid signal change in left shoulder joint space is noted.
7. No abnormal bursitis or other inflammatory change is noted.
8. After intraarticular gadolinium contrast injection, no communication is noted between the subacromial-subdeltoid bursa and the glenohumeral joint.
1.Left subacromial spur and indentation of supraspinatus
2.Left IGH ligament thickening
I Have slight indentation on the left supraspinatus(극상근) muscle
I am going to go into rehabilitation.

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