목록한국이야기 (151)

Book Report Title: Tuesday with morrie Author: Mitch Albom Setting: The last class of author's old professor's life took place once a week in his house, where he could watch a small hibiscus plant shed it's pink leaves. Characters and Character Description Morrie : Proffessor who knows he was dying of ALS. He was going to suffocate despite his circumstance. Charotte:Morrie's wife Mitch Albom: Wr..
My experience growing upI was born seoul in korea. I have four family. I am the youngest daughter. My parents were enamored of their youngest daughter. I especially cherished my father's memory.My father affected all aspects of my life. He was a general in the army. He was strict himself, but He was very generous with his family and others.When I was a teenager, he told me about history and clas..
2013년 4월 23 일 화요일 미국 대사관에서 배우자비자인터뷰가 있었다. 인터뷰예약이 잡히자마자 연세세브란스에서 신체검사 예약 4월12일 신촌에서 대니와 만나서 오래간만이 모교에 들러 구경도 하고 일주일후에 검사지를 받았다. 그외 대니와 내가 필요한 서류들. 생각보다 간단했다. 다만 미대사관에서 아침 8 시 대니가 쉬는 날로 약속을 잡아 새벽 5 시부터 일어났다. 전날 해둔 주먹밥을 난 먹고 대니는 안먹고 6시출발 휴 아침시간이라 8 시 간신히 도착 맨 꼴찌 번호 장장 3시간여 기다려 인상좋은 영사와 인터뷰시작 . (If your spouse is a Korean citizen, you should submit three different Certificates; Certificate of Marita..